Free genetic testing for mitochondrial disease
Answer our short quiz to see if you qualify for our free, at-home, genetic sequencing test.
The test.
A clinical-grade DNA test delivered right to your door. All it takes is a bit of saliva.
  • Physician-ordered, with a free genetic counseling appointment to go over results
  • CLIA-Certified & CAP-Accredited Lab
  • HIPAA-compliant to protect your data
How it works.
Take our short quiz of your symptoms to see if you’re eligible. All we need is your age, sex, and a few symptoms to see if you're eligible.
If the independent clinicians approve your test order, we'll send a kit right to your door. Collect some saliva and send it back in the pre-paid box.
Receive your results, it's that simple. They will be ready in 6-12 weeks from the time you send us your sample.
Is It a Mitochondrial Disease?
Mitochondrial diseases impact people of all ages, from infants to the elderly. Our free testing program applies to people in the US with symptoms suggestive of a genetic mitochondrial disease.

Mitochondrial diseases can affect people at any age and symptoms may vary.

Symptoms may include:
    • Low muscle tone
    • Muscle weakness
    • Droopy eyelids (ptosis)
    • Breathing difficulties
    • Difficulty swallowing
    • Cognitive decline
    • Loss of motor skills
    • Delayed development of motor skills
    • Delayed speech or language development
    • Seizures or epilepsy
    • Learning disability or intellectual disability
    • Difficulty walking
    • Hearing problems
    • Chronic fatigue
    • Elevated creatine kinase (CK) levels
    • Increased lactate in the blood (lactic acidosis)
    • Abnormal muscle biopsy (ragged red fibers)
    • Elevated liver enzymes, fatty liver or enlarged liver.
Experiencing any of these symptoms?
About mitochondrial disease.
Mitochondrial diseases occur when mitochondria, the powerhouses of your cells, fail to produce enough energy for the body to function properly.

Mitochondrial disease can affect all parts of the body. Especially those that require a substantial amount of energy to function. 1

Symptoms are often observed in the... 1

  • Brain
  • Lungs
  • Liver
  • Eyes
  • Muscles
Key facts.
Approximately 1 in 5,000 people have a mitochondrial disease.1
Every 30 minutes a child is born that will develop mitochondrial disease.2
There are currently no cures for mitochondrial disease. With your help, we hope to change that!
1. Ng YS, Turnbull DM; J Neurol. 2016; 263: 179–191
2. United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation
Commitment to quality.
We have already helped many families just like yours!
Sound familiar?
Why is this test free?
The goal of this free testing program is to help more people with mitochondrial diseases find out what’s causing their symptoms and improve knowledge on mitochondrial diseases.
What you should know about the program and your data
Probably Genetic is conducting and funding this program, which makes us the sole operator and custodian of all data. We take this responsibility  and the trust you place in us incredibly seriously.
Genetic testing and genetic counseling is available only in the United States.
At no time will third parties or commercial organizations receive information that can identify you.
We will never share identifiable personal, contact, or medical information with any outside party.
Third parties or commercial organizations may receive aggregate de-identified patient data from this program.
Third parties or commercial organizations may receive the contact information of your doctors that you provide as part of the program.
About Probably Genetic.